Configuration ============= There are the main configuration options to set to have pkgdb2 running. These options are all present and described in the pkgdb2.cfg file. Here are listed some configuration options specific to pkgdb2, but as a Flask application, you may also use the `Flask configuration options `_. The secret key --------------- Set in the configuration file under the key ``SECRET_KEY``, this is a unique, random string which is used by `Flask `_ to generate the `CSRF `_ key unique for each user. You can easily generate one using `pwgen `_ for example to generate a 50 characters long random key :: pwgen 50 The database URL ----------------- PackageDB uses `SQLAlchemy `_ has Object Relationship Mapper and thus to connect to the database. You need to provide under the key ``DB_URL`` in the configuration file the required information to connect to the database. Examples URLs are:: DB_URL=mysql://user:pass@host/db_name DB_URL=postgres://user:pass@host/db_name DB_URL=sqlite:////full/path/to/database.sqlite .. note:: The key ``sqlalchemy.url`` of the ``alembic.ini`` file should have the same value as the ``DB_URL`` described here. The admin group ---------------- PackageDB relies on a group of administrator to create calendar which are then managed by people from this group. The ``ADMIN_GROUP`` field in the configuration file refers to the `FAS `_ group that manages this pkgdb2 instance. **Default:** ``ADMIN_GROUP = ['sysadmin-main', 'sysadmin-cvs']``. Items per page -------------- The ``ITEMS_PER_PAGE`` allows setting how many items should be presented per page. Items in this case may be packages, packagers or collections. **Default:** ``ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 50``. Auto-approve ACLs ----------------- The ``AUTO_APPROVE`` lists the ACLs we handle, there are a couple which that can be automatically approved when a user requests them. **Default:** ``AUTO_APPROVE = ['watchcommits', 'watchbugzilla']``. Caching configuration --------------------- Pkgdb2 uses `dogplie.cache `_ for caching. This caching is used in the extra API endpoints. There are two configuration keys for this caching system. ``PKGDB2_CACHE_BACKEND`` which specifies which backend to use for the caching ``PKGDB2_CACHE_KWARGS`` which allows passing arguments to this backend **Default:** :: PKGDB2_CACHE_BACKEND = 'dogpile.cache.memcached' PKGDB2_CACHE_KWARGS = { 'arguments': { 'url': "", } } More information about the possible backends and configurations can be found in the `dogpile.cache documentation `_. Bugzilla integration -------------------- ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_IN_TESTS`` is used to test the integration of pkgdb2 with bugzilla in the unit-tests. This setting has no effect with the actual application, as such there is no point changing it in production. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_IN_TESTS = False``. ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_NOTIFICATION`` is used to change the owner of a component in bugzilla upon changes of the point of contact of a package. If False, the owner of the component in bugzilla will not reflect the change in the point of contact in packagedb. This should set to ``True`` in production. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_NOTIFICATION = False``. ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_URL`` is the url to the bugzilla instance the packagedb application should synchronize with. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_URL = ''``. ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_USER`` is the bugzilla user the packagedb application can log in with onto the bugzilla server set. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_USER = None``. ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_PASSWORD`` is the password of the bugzilla user the packagedb application can log in with onto the bugzilla server set. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_BUGZILLA_PASSWORD = None``. FAS integration --------------- PackageDB queries a `FAS `_ instance to ensure users asking for ACL on a package are in fact already approved packagers. ``PKGDB2_FAS_URL`` is the URL to the FAS instance pkgdb2 should query. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_FAS_URL = None``. ``PKGDB2_FAS_USER`` is the FAS user pkgdb2 can log in with on the FAS server. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_FAS_USER = None``. ``PKGDB2_FAS_PASSWORD`` is the FAS user password, pkgdb2 can log in with on the FAS server. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_FAS_PASSWORD = None``. PackageDB authenticates its users with a FAS instance through `FedOAuth `_. To do so it relies on the ``flask-fas-openid`` plugin which can be configured to usea different endpoint, thus allowing other project to use pkgdb2. Here below are listed the configuration keys to use to authenticate your users against another FedOAuth instance than the default one. ``FAS_OPENID_ENDPOINT`` is the URL for the FedOAuth instance. **Default:** ``FAS_OPENID_ENDPOINT =`` ``FAS_OPENID_CHECK_CERT`` is a boolean to specify if FedOAuth will verify SSL certificates. **Default:** ``FAS_OPENID_CHECK_CERT = True`` Notification settings --------------------- ``PKGDB2_FEDMSG_NOTIFICATION`` boolean specifying if the pkgdb2 application should broadcast notifications via `fedmsg `_. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_FEDMSG_NOTIFICATION = True``. ``PKGDB2_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION`` is a boolean specifying if the pkgdb2 application should send its notificationds by email. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION = False``. ``PKGDB2_EMAIL_TO`` is a template to specify to which email the email notifications should be set. This implies there are number of aliases set redirecting from these emails to the users. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_EMAIL_TO = '{pkg_name}'``. ``PKGDB2_EMAIL_FROM`` specifies the from field used if the notifications are sent by emails. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_EMAIL_FROM = ''``. ``PKGDB2_EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER`` specifies the SMTP server to use to send the notifications if they are set to be sent by emails. **Default:** ``PKGDB2_EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER = 'localhost'``. Email stacktraces ----------------- PkgDB2 sends email when it faces an exception (trying to add an existing package or something alike. These emails are sent to the address set in the configuration key ``MAIL_ADMIN`` **Default:** ``MAIL_ADMIN = ''``. Packages not accessible to provenpackagers ------------------------------------------ On Fedora, some packages are restricted to their maintainers only, even members of the provenpackager group cannot access them (while they can access every other packages), this mostly when there is trademark regulations involved. These packages are listed in the configuration under the configuration key ``PKGS_NOT_PROVENPACKAGER`` **Default** ``PKGS_NOT_PROVENPACKAGER = ['firefox', 'thunderbird', 'xulrunner']``. Security -------- It is a good practice to have the cookies require a https connection for security reason. However, while developing this can prevent the authentication from working. So by default this is turned off to provide an out-of-the-box working configuration, however you will want to change it in production. The setting to change is ``SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE``. **Default** ``SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = False`` To change to ``SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True``. Cookie conflicts ---------------- If you run multiple applications at different level of your server, by default the ``path`` of the cookie will be ``/``, eventually leading to cookie conflict but providing a working configuration out of the box To prevent this, adjust the ``APPLICATION_ROOT`` or ``SESSION_COOKIE_NAME`` as needed (in Fedora we used ``APPLICATION_ROOT``). **Default** ``APPLICATION_ROOT = '/'`` .. note:: The application root should start with a ``/`` otherwise the ``path`` of the cookie is not set correctly .. note:: More configuration information are described in the `flask documentation `_.